One of the big trends for 2022, according to New Hope Network, will be “Convenience continues”, as they expect the COVID19 pandemic restrictions to have a long-term effect on consumers’ eating habits. Of U.S. consumers who cooked using convenience foods and followed set meal routines more often due to the pandemic, 53% plan to maintain these habits. As a result, they are looking for time-saving products and grab-and-go snacks.
Convenience foods are there to stay and growing year on year.
Connecting this with a continued search for more sustainable, more natural and healthy foods, opens a vast area of opportunities for innovation.
For this purpose, Galactic presents their newly developed solution of Galimax Flavor VK-50 for potato purees. Using this natural flavor in potato puree can help:
- Clean up the label
- Create an excellent flavor
- Ensure high quality throughout the entire product shelf-life
This Potassium-based ingredient is ideal for low sodium recipes, making the challenge of reducing sodium levels instantly easier. Additionally, we see the potential to maintain the same shelf-life as when using a non-natural synthetic preservative. That way Galimax Flavor VK-50 provides an easy, tasty, and safe way to create an all-natural potato puree, answering consumers’ needs for convenient and healthy food.
Did you know all Galactic’s natural flavors are made by fermentation, starting from renewable resources? That’s how we commit to increasing sustainable solution offerings on the market, day after day.