Natural ingredient solutions coming directly from nature


It's nowhere more evident than with healthy foods: consumer expectations are always rising. Recent polls report that 42% of all adults are actively trying to avoid salt in their diets.

The ability to help consumers enjoy authentic yet guilt-free eating experiences, led many food manufacturers to develop low-sodium formulations.  

At Galactic we are committed to help our customers find solutions for their low sodium recipes and any sodium reduction challenges they might encounter, while ensuring great taste with natural ingredients.

Our Vinegar is natural, potassium-based and made by the natural process of fermentation. It brings plenty of flavor to your food throughout the entire product's shelf-life and will act as a natural antimicrobial, as secondary action. 

By replacing sodium with potassium, particularly in key sodium-contributing foods such as processed meat, breads, meat alternatives, or prepared meals, we make it easer for the general population to meet the recommended sodium intake guidelines. 

Unlock the full force of nature to develop high quality and healthy products with Galactic. 


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